A fun alternative to political tweets. A New York Post writer, Yashar Ali, tweeted yesterday, "As a couple you should own as a minimum: 10 bath sheets, 10 bath towels, 10 hand towels, 20 wash cloths."
He was answering this question: "hello fellow adults. my gf and i have a question... what is the correct amount of towels to own? i said 10 and she looked at me like i was crazy. we have zero frame of reference on the appropriate amount of towels in a household of two."
This set off all kinds of jokesters. But when I first read this I wondered just what bath sheets are. I must not have been the only one because pretty soon Yashar responded: "For those asking what a bath sheet is, here’s a handy chart."
We've never had a bath sheet, the closest may have been a beach towel. Honestly, I don't think I'm tall enough to do a decent job of folding a long bath sheet.
One woman wrote: "Controversial opinion: I don't think anyone needs to own any bath towels. Just buy all bath sheets. Bath towels are just mean tricks skinny people play on fat people."
Then this: "Also a really nice thing to do if you have the time or have someone to help is to iron your towels. Yes, iron your towels. You’ll enjoy the difference. I will not regret this tweet so go ahead with your ratio."
I've never ironed our towels, I'd be curious as to what the difference would be, but not going to do it.