I've been away from this blog long enough to have the site ask me for my password. Thankfully just clicking on the "open" portion got me in. It's been a really really busy bunch of weeks added to having problems with my laptop not powering up. But all is well for now.
We've been physically working in our yard, all sides of the yard, planting, weeding, harvesting etc etc. We have had no rain that I can remember since some time in May which meant a lot of daily watering. Last night a strong storm rolled over us and much needed rain fell. I can't remember a year with so little rain. The flowers and vegetables have managed to thrive with hose water thankfully.
Today I am going to empty our second big pot of potatoes and see if we get as many as came out of the first last week. Planting them in pots is so much easier that having to dig them up out of the ground and the production is about the same for us. The pots are on the deck so I get a tarp and tip over the container and the potatoes being on the bottom, fall out last. Sort of easy peasy.. Then I put the potatoes on newspaper in a cardboard box and take it down to a cool dark place in the basement to cure. Don't brush any soil off the spuds until they're cured.
Thus far the harvest. I am anxious about the cantaloupes, though. We have really healthy vines with many flowers but no sign of a flower turning into a cantaloupe. Hopefully it will happen soon. I bought a number of pollinator plants this year because I realized cantaloupes really need the bees and wasps to help them generate fruit.