Each Monday the Post Dispatch normally runs a column called, "Ask the Road Crew" in which readers can ask for answers about various issues on local roads. Today a question came from someone wanting to know if MoDOT will ever re-stripe the highway lanes so that they don't disappear in the dark or in rain.
I've been obsessed with this issue for some years and mentioned it on this blog. Here is the answer from Andrew Gates of MoDOT: "Our crews are currently working on re-striping around the area. The significant amount of rainfall that we have had prevents them from making much progress much progress as they might like as quickly as they would prefer. We place reflective beads in the paint to help them reflect lights at night. However, rain is often as reflective as those beads, so you can often lose the stripes in the rain. Plows and chemicals used during snow fighting an also have a damaging effect on beads and stripes. We do have reflective markers that we have inlaid into the pavement on several roadways that are intended to help improve seeing the lanes during inclement weather. We are continuing to add those around the region as we resurface roadways."
Ok. This does not make me optimistic that MoDOT's roads will have the lanes show up any better. This bead business seems like more problems. Why does MoDOT not check with other states which have brilliantly bright nighttime lane lines? In Illinois the lanes don't disappear even though they may not be as bright as places light Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland and other states we've driven through at night.
Here is Tennessee at night. Even the guard rails are illuminated with a great paint.
Here is a link to a short video I took out in Virginia near DC/Maryland. What are they doing that Missouri will not do? I am always so amazed at the states which use a bright lane paint that I take pictures. The difference compared to Missouri is shocking.