According to a senior meteorologist, the snowfall in our area in the Metro-East/St. Louis over achieved. Forecasts before yesterday's snow began falling, was calling for a dusting or as their newly coined weather term predicted, "Mood Snow."
Mood snow. now that's a first. The two-four inches was a surprise to the predictors. The Mood Snow they expected is described as snow or flurries that sticks to roofs, grassy surfaces and parked cars but not the roads. I guess this mood thing is the kind of snow that looks pretty but doesn't force us out to clean walks and steps.
So the snow over achieved its predictions which isn't a surprise around here. And, I see by traffic reports this morning that once again MODOT has not done the best job in getting the highways cleared while IDOT has. Some things never change.
Our birds were really after the seed we put out.