I kind of chuckled at this article the other day. We've all probably heard of how popular the game of Pickle Ball is, at least in the bigger cities. I have no idea if it is played in Collinsville in any big way, it has gotten a lot of attention in the news. It's the fastest growing sport in the past three years. It's played with what looks like an enormous ping pong paddle and one of those plastic balls with the holes in it. Wiffle Ball
I'm not sure exactly how it's played except is is played on tennis courts and we say a whole bunch of people playing it on the Webster Groves courts when we drove by on Sunday. It is popular but maybe only for actual playing, not watching.
Here is the headline: The Pickle Ball Craze is Real, But it's TV Potential is a Different Story. Only about 1 in 4 adults (24%) said they are at least “somewhat” interested in watching the sport on TV. Maybe the problem is with the name. Pickle...
So there we are, in quite a pickle. Do we play or do we watch?