One of the most impressive programs at Collinsville High School is Kahok Strong. KAHOKstrong is a student-based organization that was created to assist students, staff, and families in the Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 community during times of tragedy or need.
It just an amazing effort going on by students and staff. Money goes for student scholarships and each year, KAHOKstrong purchases Christmas gifts for Unit 10 families students/families who are in need to help provide their children with gifts to open on Christmas day. Throughout the school year, KAHOKstrong is the first group in the CUSD 10 community to reach out to families who experience catastrophic events or need. KAHOKstrong uses their resources and takes the lead in soliciting funds to assist these families. Funds designated to these families are passed totally and directly to them.
Recently the Festival of Trees organizers gave this group 16,000 plus dollars to aid in the work they do. This is an effort which gets the whole school involved and just amazes me.