We are looking at local offices tomorrow. City Council, County Boards, School Boards, Library Boards, township boards etc. Many offices have candidates with no competition, others have several people vying for the office. Historically these elections have low turnouts which has always puzzled me. Yes, the national and state elections are important, but local elections deal with who will decide things where we live.
One race has garnered more attention than others which is odd because it is for spots on the library board.. Who knew our library board race would get attention? Today's St. Louis Post Dispatch had a long front page article on the library candidates and why they are in the spotlight. Seriously, this front page story is long. It boils down to the emotionally mixed reaction to the recent Drag Queen Show the library put on for children.
We are living in a new age. I was on the library board for 12 years and I can tell you, that board would be horrified. But it's a different age. It's a sorry thing that this area has no local paper as in the past when local news kept things up to date twice a week. This drag queen show got some attention on Facebook, but in general it got lost. Maybe after today, if people read the Post Dispatch, more will know. In order to read it online you have to register a user name and password. I can link it, but nothing will show up. I'm glad we got the paper today, everyone should have.