It's watermelon and cantaloupe time right now, but it is not always easy to pick ones which are ripe. They aren't known for ripening off the vine like many other fruits are. The other day I bought a cantaloupe at the grocery store and as I was cutting it i found the actual fruit was hard as a rock. It was useless. So this article on how to pick a ripe watermelon when at the store was right up my alley.
For watermelon it advises to use two finger trick. However, the finger trick only works on striped watermelons. Look for nice, even green stripes. Each green stripe should be about the width of your pointer and second fingers together. I will probably test this out in the near future.
Another way to do this is to feel the weight of the melon, it should be heavier than you would think by just looking at it. And the ground spot is probably most important for judging ripeness. 'This faded area on the bottom of the watermelon ranges from pale cream to deep butter yellow and even light orange. "choose a melon with a rich yellow spot.
Now about cantaloupes. Don't choose one that has any green on it. Look at the stem end. it should not still have any part of the stem and the stem area should not have any rough edges. It should be more open. There is also the smell test. Pick up the melon and smell the end opposite the stem end. A ripe melon will have a sweet smell. And the famous tap the melon routine. tap the cantaloupe and listen for a low sound. Also as with watermelon it should be heavier than it looks.
I should have done one or all of these cantaloupe tricks the other day,