CNN posted an advice story which made me groan. Seriously? The title is "Reset Your Body and Mind With 10 Spring Cleaning Tips". Spring Cleaning our bodies and minds, I mean come on.
Four of the ten have to do with movement. Exercise, movement, Exercise, movement.
Then there comes body cleansing which deals with food and drinking water. "Naturally cleanse by eating more plants." I don't know about you but when I hear eating plants I think of geraniums and potted plants. But I guess they mean broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes etc. Plus seeds, nuts and legumes, grains and fruits and vegetables. Nothing about meat but don't eat the good stuff like crackers, cookies, baked goods and fried food. I will never give up baked goods from Kruta Bakery.
After all this, drink water and more water. No alcohol.
Sounds like a boring way to live. I'll spring clean our house but not my physical self if all that is what it takes.