Every thing these days seems to be tinkered with to make it safer. Too often trying to figure out how to use the new item is a mystery. Too many safety features are put into even the most simple of things. For example, recently Dale needed a new one gallon gas can to use with his old milk truck. Why he needed this for that is a mystery to me. Now let me just say right here, I have been doing lawn work for decades, not just our own yard, but many yards as well as helping on the seminary grounds when we lived there.
So I am not a stranger to gas cans, but this new type is ridiculous. Neither of us can figure out how to enable the spout to actually pour out the gas. We aren't stupid, but this has us stumped and annoyed. The worst part is, I am guessing new environmental laws forbid selling the traditional cans. I have no plan to ever get rid of the 3 old type cans we have. Problem here is Dale needed a fresh can.
Here is what this darn thing looks like.
It's not as simple as taking the red cap off the white spout.
There are a couple of mysterious things which have to be done at the same time and there there is another button top which does what we don't know.
It looks as if we have to do two our things at once to get the gas flowing. Nuts to that. Dale has decided to unscrew the main black thing attached to the can, take out the whole thing and go buy a funnel