Ferdie to Bob

  • Boojferd
    Dear Bob, here are some photos of my life here on the campus of Concordia Seminary. I love kids, working with the grounds crew, swimming, playing with my dog friends, and especially my own family people.
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    « Now they're coming for my strawberries | Main | Ceiling fans turn two ways »

    May 31, 2022



    They have been short staffed, and equipment problems. Almost all pickup are a day late whether a Holiday or not. Just put it out on your day, and it will eventually be picked up, usually the next day. So maybe two days after a Holiday.

    Diane Meyer

    Frank, I do understand the staffing and equipment break-down but our guys are usually very reliable and early.

    But for the first time I can remember the yard waste was not picked up and last night it rained and is still raining. I'm concerned that the bags will fall apart when the pick-up does come. So I'm debating getting new bags around the stuff. I did debate putting them on the front porch last night but decided against it. Wish I had.

    Diane Meyer

    Actually I love trash day and getting rid of things and I really like the guys who do our route. They always have a friendly wave and one of the drivers will often give a honk of greeting.

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    Michigan 2005

    • Arcadia_077
      In August of 2005 we spent a week at Camp Arcadia on the shores of Lake Michigan's Northern lower peninsula. Here is our story.

    Dedicating Wartburg

    • Img_5101
      Wartburg Hall's transformation from dining hall to a commons area was dedicated on September 18.