Tomorrow is May! Finally. April seemed interminable to me. In any case the garden experts are now telling us what vegetables we should be planting now. Actually, I've already planted a number of vegetables, especially those which do well when it's still chilly. Potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, onions, sweet peas, cauliflower, and quite a few herbs.
But I am really ready to plunk in the tomato plants and peppers I've purchased as well as beans and cantalope. I have several types of tomato plants, the slicer type, plum, and red and yellow cherry tomatoes. I love the yellow cherry tomatoes they give a burst of flavor in your mouth. Since our yard is small, I don't have tons of each of these, since they all grow big, it will be plenty for us and give some away.
Planting time is here!
But the article from the expert on what vegetables to plant are kind of strange. No mention of tomatoes, she must be up north somewhere. Some I've never heard of. She advised planting a lot of the root vegetables like Rootabagas, beets, pumpkins, baby corn, and squashes. Then she got into vegetables I've not heard of and will probably never plant. Callaloo I would not know what to do with. Cranberry beans are pretty but I"m not sure they are meant to be eaten, just look pretty.