Ferdie to Bob

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    « Time jump coming | Main | Odd stuff in difficult times »

    March 06, 2022



    Putin threatened Nuclear warfare. All we can do is get Allies to enforce the sanctions and get military supplies to Ukraine. Are hands are tied by a ruthless dictator. I can't watch it anymore. Putin is mentally ill, and hell bend on restoring the USSR. Read the report by the Ukrainian expert that testified during the Trump impeachment trial. She has a great explanation of Putin's plans. His people don't even know they are at war. The worst crisis in Europe since WW-II. It is sad.


    Putin threatened Nuclear warfare. All we can do is get Allies to enforce the sanctions and get military supplies to Ukraine. Are hands are tied by a ruthless dictator. I can't watch it anymore. Putin is mentally ill, and hell bend on restoring the USSR. Read the report by the Ukrainian expert that testified during the Trump impeachment trial. She has a great explanation of Putin's plans. His people don't even know they are at war. The worst crisis in Europe since WW-II. It is sad.

    Diane Meyer

    I agree Frank, a horrible time.

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