Yesterday, the second or third Monday of our home bound life, I got to work on getting our waterfall/fish pond cleaned up and ready for the season. It will be another day of work because it is truly a mess of string algea and sludge. The waterfall and pumps are turned off in late fall so things can stagnate. We put oxygenators into the bottom with the fish so they have a way to survive.
It was time, however, to get the big filter running again, the water turned ugly around the poor fish. So Kirt came down with the filter pieces and got it running. Meanwhile, I spent time with a strong hoe digging out the string algea which had taken over. Kirt helped with this as well. I bet we pulled at least 40 pounds of this string algea out of the bottom and I got almost that much out of the top. We'd never seen this before and it must have had something to do with the winter weather we had, not hugely cold and very little snow.
Here is some of the algae and the sludge which had to come out today.
Actually algae is really good in gardens, it is loaded with good things like nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. We will get this to our gardens. Here is a look at the sludge we need to pull out today. It too will go on garden beds.
Dale spent some time in the afternoon bringing out bird baths and working up part of his flower beds.