Thursday and Friday were set aside for grandparents day at our grandsons' school. They are now on two different campuses so Dale went for Connor's day and I went yesterday for Christian. There were activities in each classroom, chapel and the chance to take the grandchild out for lunch. What I was amazed at was what we learned in Christian's math class.
The teacher has a program on his iPad which allows him to immediately see everyone's answers and know who got them right and who didn't. I don't know if I can explain this perfectly but here goes. The problem or question is put on a digital screen which hangs on the chalkboard. Each child comes up with an answer at his desk. Sometimes it's multiple choice sometimes just one answer. When everyone is done with all the math problems the teacher tells them to get out their Plickers Cards which look like this:

If you click to enlarge the picture you'll see that the image has a number on each corner which corresponds to an individual child. Also letters A, B, C, and D on the sides. Those letters correspond to the multiple choice answers. The black portion is on a shiny white laminated paper of some kind.
When everyone has finished the assignment the teacher picks up his iPad and tells the class to hold up their Plicker and he walks across the front of the room and as he does, the iPad program somehow reads each child's answer as A,B,C,or D and records whether it is right or wrong. For instance, he let us play along by putting up a couple of multiple choice questions and gave each of us one of the Plickers. One question was "when you were in 5th grade what did you want to be when you grew up?" There were 4 choices-ABCD. D was "none of the above".
Then he had one of his students walk across the front of the room while holding the iPad in front of him and it recorded all the answers. In this case the teacher had the answers form a graph which showed up on the digital screen on the chalkboard. This blew me away. 90 percent of the grandparents answered "none of the above" for the choices. He did this a couple more times with other questions. I loved this.
Here's Dale with Connor in is classroom. They worked on word and number sheets.

They went to lunch at Steak N Shake

Then not to be outdone, Christian and I took a selfie.

And we went to lunch at Qdoba which was right across the street from CCLS Kirkwood campus.