I finally got to a grandson's soccer game today, we've been so tied up with events around here on weekends that it hasn't been possible before. This was Connor's 3rd grade game played in one of the least attractive parks we've ever seen. It is named Norm West Park on Mary Avenue off Manchester just east of Brentwood BLVD. Two sides were filled with heavy equipment, piles of gravel, and stacks of iron and rows of huge storm drains. Never seen anything like it for a park.
Anyway, here are the two teams lined up to get instructions before the game.
There's Connor, number 16
While the game was going on Christian and Nick were playing on the deck of a very old park house.
Of course if there's an opening of some kind you crawl through it
While the parental unit watches from a safe distance.
Ferdie came too
Nick found a pile of dirt
After the game which our guys won, there was a team picture and with 3rd grade boys you can imagine how many takes there had to be.
Then Nick walked Ferdie to the car all the while singing, Giddy up Giddy up Giddy up