Just when you think things can't get even more disgusting and ridiculous this election season, wham, it does. The last day or two have been horrible and embarrassing on both sides. Don't think it's just Trump getting down in the mud, its' both. He's just worse at it.
But this just reinforces what I've felt all along and so does journalist Ron Fournier it seems. He has reported on the Clintons for years and had this tweet yesterday.
Ron retweeted this from the Ralston Reports: "I'm old enough to remember when people actually believed Trump was a Clinton plant."
And Fournier replied: "He's not?"
I was waiting for a disgruntled IRS employee to release Trump's tax returns, and get fired, but apparently someone in his organization released several front pages of State Returns to the New York Times showing no tax liability. Fodder for the Democrats. You would have thought the GOP would have had a vetting process to examine the tax history of GOP candidates.
Posted by: FrankK | October 02, 2016 at 12:34 AM