Ferdie to Bob

  • Boojferd
    Dear Bob, here are some photos of my life here on the campus of Concordia Seminary. I love kids, working with the grounds crew, swimming, playing with my dog friends, and especially my own family people.
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    « Sign of the seminary | Main | Electronic recycling in Clayton this weekend »

    March 23, 2012



    Amen! Erik was hit on his bike at the intersection of Big Bend and Dale the first week of classes in 2006 by someone just TALKING on the phone. Her mind wasn't on the road, it was on the conversation and she didn't notice that her light had turned red. He got t-boned, rolled up onto her hood and back onto the street - my bike was damaged beyond repair and his helmet was totally shredded up. Fortunately, he was ok, quite a bit of bruising but no major injury. (As a side note, our first official meeting with Dr. and Mrs. Meyer was that evening at the first year open house in their home. We came, probably looking dazed and confused, with a toddler in mismatched pajamas. Talk about your bad first impressions!)


    Wow, Joelle, he is lucky he was only bruised. Actually you two made impressions on us all the way through the seminary and in good ways.

    Exit Signs

    God has a plan for all of us! and he let you to live!

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    Michigan 2005

    • Arcadia_077
      In August of 2005 we spent a week at Camp Arcadia on the shores of Lake Michigan's Northern lower peninsula. Here is our story.

    Dedicating Wartburg

    • Img_5101
      Wartburg Hall's transformation from dining hall to a commons area was dedicated on September 18.