Ferdie to Bob

  • Boojferd
    Dear Bob, here are some photos of my life here on the campus of Concordia Seminary. I love kids, working with the grounds crew, swimming, playing with my dog friends, and especially my own family people.
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    « The farcical election of Blago | Main | KFUO FM goes quiet today »

    July 06, 2010


    Rand and Cowboy

    It's been OK with taxpayers for decades. Did you carp about Bush doing it for 8 years; or do you hold Obama to a higher standard??


    It has not been OK with ALL taxpayers for decades. I am glad to see Obama doing an event for Carnahan. Can't wait for the Republicans to run the photos of Robin Carnahan and Obama in the fall, when Obama's approval rating is in the low 40's. Carnahan is in bad need of funds.
    Republicans will keep this senate seat and pick up a net gain of 6 or 7 in the fall.
    Your right Diane. Obama has no juice with the voters and his election track record the last year shows it.


    If it is not OK with you, did you let your feeling known when Reagan or the Bushes did it?

    Displaced Techsan

    Hard to hold Obama to a higher standard when you expect absolutely nothing of him. This in mind, I am consistently amazed how he has evolved in to Jimmy Carter's second term....unfortunately.


    Blah Blah Blah Nord

    The comments to this entry are closed.

    Michigan 2005

    • Arcadia_077
      In August of 2005 we spent a week at Camp Arcadia on the shores of Lake Michigan's Northern lower peninsula. Here is our story.

    Dedicating Wartburg

    • Img_5101
      Wartburg Hall's transformation from dining hall to a commons area was dedicated on September 18.