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    « Gaylord zoning back for a vote | Main | Are Cub fans happy? Excited? »

    August 17, 2007



    This is a very unfortunate situation for all involved, buyer, seller and residents. It should have never happened, since anyone remotley familar with the location of the property should have quickly realized the property in question and the zoning didn't look right. Sloppy work on the part of the person granting the request at City hall.
    The city needs to review its internal zoning approval process to make sure costly mistakes like this do not happen in the future.


    Ron...It is a bit ironic that you mention the seller in your post as the previous owner was deceased and the inheriting kids disagreed on how the property should be sold. Obviously greed won that battle. Additionally the residents notified the realitor that the property was zoned residential prior to the sale as a result of the realitors newspaper ad noting it as a commercial site. The realitor pulled the ad but sold it as commercial anyway.
    I fully agree that the city needs to review their process as they currently deem the "the map" as the determining factor but the courts give "the ordinace" priority.

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