St. Louis is in the process of unveiling a new city slogan aimed at boosting the area economy.
"St. Louis: Perfectly Centered. Remarkably Connected"
Like St. Louis itself, a bit uncertain of its identity and a having a bit of an inferiorty complex, local advertising experts have a backup plan if the new slogan and ad blitz has little effect in luring business to the region and that is to court national journalists and local business leaders to push this area to their national associates.
I would hope that the energetic "sell" by real people working and owning business here is more than a backup plan. If all St. Louis has is a new logo and slogan with nothing behind it everything remains the same.
Meanwhile, MODOT is certainly not helping the region by once again insisting that a new bridge across the Mississippi connecting the Illinois counties to St. Louis be funded with a toll. Illinois residents who make up a large part of the work force on the Missouri side are naturally opposed to this as are Illinois lawmakers. Remarkably Connected. Not yet.