Ferdie to Bob

  • Boojferd
    Dear Bob, here are some photos of my life here on the campus of Concordia Seminary. I love kids, working with the grounds crew, swimming, playing with my dog friends, and especially my own family people.
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    « Couldn't say it any better | Main | Piled higher and deeper »

    January 28, 2005



    I got a note not long ago from a classmate who told me the highlight of her school days was when she won the sixth grade spelling bee. She knew I'd remember the event because I was runner-up that year. "Losing" didn't leave a permanent psychological scar, but lack of competition would have left both of us barren of a fond memory.


    I have to agree with Stephen's remarks. I was always the spelling bee loser -- always. It become a family joke and we thought it rather funny till I won the spelling bee my final year of grade school. Both the losses and the win were great experiences and it is ridiculous to take this rite of passage away from those children.


    As the mother of a 14 year old, I have seen this mentality repeatedly throughout his school years. Competition is good and healthy. How many years of counseling will it take when these children find out they can't win every time?

    The Mean Sister (who is 5'6")

    As an educator, I am disappointed by Ms. Newman's decision to cancel the spelling bee. Using a lame interpretation of the NCLB legislation is just as disappointing. Although I disagree with some components of the NCLB legislation, I do not recall reading anywhere that the lack of competition will keep the system from leaving any children behind. The least Ms. Newman could have done is state that taking time out of the student's academic time to participate 15-20 minutes for a spelling bee would have been detrimental to her students' future performance. Makes me wonder if her school system is being left behind...

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